3 May 2022
SAFIR-Med partner Droniq in AERO
After two years, the AERO finally took place again this year - and Droniq was there. At the trade fair, which took place in Friedrichshafen, we used the time to give presentations on airspaces, exchange ideas with existing and perhaps also future partners and customers, and provide information about our activities and services. This naturally includes our participation as a partner in SAFIR-Med. Together with @RWTH Aachen University and @flyXdrive, @Droniq, as a prototypical USSP, ensures the local and electronic visibility of cross-border transport flights between Aachen, Maastricht and Heerlen (MAHHL region), thereby increasing the overall safety of flight operations during the @SAFIR-Med Project. The UTM system and a version ofHOD4track specially adapted for cross-border use are used for this purpose. In addition, Droniq's Ground Based Situational Awareness System (GBSAS) ensures permanent visibility.